I know I've been kinda MIA lately, sorry 'bout that. We've been traveling a lot, and I've been trying to ignore the blogging world a bit, just to attempt to keep my mind occupied by other things. However, being that it's now SEPTEMBER, that's impossible! Just in case anyone reading this is unaware of why September is important, it's not because Labor Day is my favorite holiday, and it's not because I hate white pants or white shoes
(although I do believe you have to very choosey with both), it's because IT'S REFERRAL MONTH AGAIN!!!!!! So, just a quick update on where we stand, then I'll share some about our life lately... We are #2 on the waiting list this month. Basically, without going into detail about how complex the match process is, that means, we have a REALLY GOOD chance, but still no guarantee. So, yes, I am a ball of nerves, and yes, the waiting is torture, but it is what it is and we can't rush it, so we're trying to stay busy and hope that a happy phone call from a (541) area code comes soon! In the meantime, Baby Sister is really rackin' up to not even know who she is yet! ;-)
Jax has always had a blankie, and I'd love for Baby Sister to have one too, so one of these is ready to be shipped when we match, the other is to keep and take with us when we travel. |
He asks about his Baby Sister at least once a day. He's very excited for her to finally be home! |

Just a few of the things I've already splurged on, but I have a feeling the amount of pink in our house will drastically change the day after we get THE CALL! ;-)
So, other than anxiously waiting, we've also been having tons of fun! In the middle of August we went to visit our friends, Chris & Meredith, in Grasonville, MD. They live right on the Chesapeake Bay and it is breathtaking, I could have moved in to their back porch! ;-) We took a day trip to St. Michael's Island on their boat while we were there, which was a town that I immediately fell in love with... any town with charming little shops with adorable names lining the streets, that sell things like handpainted dish towels for way too much money, I fall in love with. We also spent a day in Annapolis, which is also a precious town! I guess it probably qualifies to be called a city, but it didn't feel like a city, it felt like a town, beautiful historic brick buildings that have been there for hundreds of years, and of course, more fun shops with adorable names, where I spent more money on adorable things ;-). We also ate lots of crab on this trip, one time directly from the dock to the pot! I was excited about the crab, because I love crab legs, but I'd never eaten blue crab, so I never thought it through enough to realize that when you crack into a whole crab, you would have to see the WHOLE CRAB..... Ewwwww!!!!! I was completely grossed out and I couldn't do it, so Jason would prep it for me and I would just dig out the meat, such a sweet husband I have <3.

Then, when we left Maryland, we made a stop in Martinsburg, WV on our way back to Barboursville to visit Erik & Candi and their kiddos. That was a short stay, but so worth it! :-)
After arriving back home we only had about a week 'til Jax started preschool for his first year.... EMOTIONAL OVERLOAD!!!!!! He's been in now a full week, but he only goes 3 days, and he and I have both done wonderful! My complete and total emotional meltdown happened the night before his first day. It was a full fledged ugly, couldn't pass air through my nostrils, blowing my nose on the hand towel because the tissues were fillin' up too fast, sobbed for a good 30 minutes after I finally stopped kinda cry, but I felt a little better once it was out! I was very proud of myself the morning of, and Jax amazed us both, he did not shed a tear! Here's a few pics of his first day as an official big boy... **sniff sniff**
First day of preschool cupcakes! |
celebratory dance party, of course! |
Just got there, breathing deeply... |
Oh my, he's going by himself, breathe deepER!!! |
Getting ready to leave, and he's surprisingly happy, so I'm still holding it together! Don't be deceived, I let it out after we left, but nothing like the night before, Thank God no one but Jason was subjected to that ugliness! :)
Now, I apologize if there was a ridiculous amount of typos in this post, and it did some weird thing with txt boxes that I didn't have time to correct. It was done in spurts over a 2 day period, and it's now being finished in record time because we have to leave for the airport, we're off to Florida to visit more friends!!!!! I'm hoping and praying and hoping and praying and hoping and praying (you get the point) that the next time you see a post from me it's ALL ABOUT MY NEW BABY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AND..... WE'RE OFF! |
OK, speaking of tears, i completely got choked up when I saw that shirt that says "I was SO worth the wait!" Oh my gosh, how perfect. Whoever she is, that is true of her and all her little Thai baby friends. I'm giddy for you this month and can't wait until I hear the good news! Love ya.
I agree. That T-shirt is too cute and sums it all up. Where did you get it?
September 9th. Phones should start ringing in a week or so!!!
Oh girls, I'm so beyond hopeful that you're both right, I REALLY want my phone to ring, I'm still so nervous that it may not be our turn yet, and I'm not sure how to make it through the Fall without knowing who she is... BUT, I can't think about that, I just have to keep hoping and praying!
I think I ordered that onesie from cafepress.com, I'll check and try to post it on my facebook and tag y'all. I love you guys, you are such an unbelievable source of support for me, can't wait 'til we can all meet one day!
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