Friday, December 9, 2011


It's been good news in the Thai adoption world recently, and we are all very thankful for that! Families that were set to travel in December had been delayed to February, so they were told, but the officials in Thailand have let families begin traveling again already! There are some families actually traveling in December and many more shortly after the new year, and I can't wait to live vicariously through them! It sounds like the floodwaters are finally receding and many foster families have been able to return to their homes and begin clean-up and repair work. Please continue to keep them all in your prayers, I'm sure their recovery will not be easy, but we're thankful to hear things are improving.

We haven't seen or heard anything about our sweet girl and her foster family since September when we were matched, but we've all been told that we should be getting an update with new info and new photos this month. I'm hoping and praying it comes before Christmas, because I can't think of a better Christmas present for this mommy than seeing her sweet face again!.... other than to have her in my arms, but I'm trying to stay grounded ;-). We've been trying our hardest to stay busy around here, it's best for me to keep my mind occupied as much as possible so I don't lose it! I still have my moments when the desire to have her home just overwhelms me and I have a good cry, but for the  most part, the Lord is helping me learn to trust in His timing. We went to Disney in mid-November and had SO MUCH FUN! It was a wonderful experience for Jason and I to share with Jax, and as cliche as it may sound, it truly was magical to watch it through his eyes(pics below). Jason has been in Uganda for the last 10 days, returning this Sunday and Jax and I can't hardly stand it! We are sooo ready for him to be back home with us, but he's had a great trip and we're thankful for yet another opportunity the Lord allowed him to go and serve.

I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the Holiday season, it's my favorite time of year! It is a little bittersweet this year, with part of my heart being a world away, but nonetheless, we are blessed beyond measure and have so much to be thankful for, and it's so exciting to look forward to next Christmas when we'll have our baby Jade at home with us! Everyone be watching for a post (hopefully very soon) with an update on how our baby girl is growing and changing!



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