Wednesday, May 23, 2012


First of all, let me just say, I have NO CLUE what's wrong with my blog or how to fix it... blogger changed the templates, and I've wasted way too much time trying to learn how to work with it and I've decided I'm in over my head, so it's not cute and fancy anymore but at least we can still read it. 

Now, let's get to the good stuff... This post is waaayyy overdue, but it's been CrAzY since I got the best phone call ever last Wednesday! Remember that last, very sad post that said, "JUNE TRAVEL IS NOT POSSIBLE ANYMORE"? Well, scratch that! We are traveling in June! Our God is a God of miracles and He has certainly worked one in this adoption. The process of getting approval and then getting the article 16 usually takes 2-4 weeks from one to the other, but our's happened in the same day! Our director at Holt even said, "This never happens, this is a miracle!" We had been praying for just that and He answered! Our last hurdle before we're boarding the plane is to get our I800 approval from USCIS. So, please continue praying along with us that this happens very quickly, because our tickets our booked and we're ready to go get our SWEET BABY JADE!!!!! Oh, and by the way, she has a full name now, we finally committed... JADE ELIZABETH HOLMES. Jason had a great aunt that he was very close to, she was more like a grandmother to him really, and her name was Elizabeth. Since Jax's middle name is after my grandfather, we thought it was appropriate to give Jade a name after someone close to our hearts as well. Let the monogramming begin!!!!! ;-) I've been super busy since the call and life is not going to slow down anytime soon, but that's ok, I'm grateful for this "busyness" because it's going to bring my baby girl home! If all goes smoothly, Jason, Jax, & I will board a plane for Bangkok just 3 weeks from tomorrow and we will meet our girl 3 weeks from Sunday! I apologize for this short post, but I've got things to do!;-) Yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll be blogging on a password protected wordpress blog while we're in Thailand. If you want to follow our travels, then email me and I'll let you know the password. Please keep us in your prayers!!!!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Desert Song...

I received a call from Holt today, and I could tell immediately by the sad voice on the other end, it wasn't a happy call to say we got approval. We haven't received approval yet from the Thai government, our case hasn't even been presented yet. The social worker handling our case is overworked and there's not enough of her to go around. The latest is that the director of HSF will be meeting with the director of the Thai Adoption Board sometime in the hopefully near future to discuss why the delays have taken place and try to determine an endpoint for our family. I've gone through all of the emotions that you probably think I have... I've been angry, I am confused, I am deeply saddened, but amazingly enough (to me as well), I feel a peace that I can't explain, but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt where it's coming from. Don't get me wrong, the emotion is raw and real, and I can't hold back the tears today, they've been flowing consistently since that phone call, but still, my heart feels a peace that is supernatural. I know that my Heavenly Father has a PERFECT plan. It is a plan that no social worker or government official can mess up, it is a plan they may not even know they're being used to carry out, and His plan will prevail, that is my comfort. My heart hurts right now more than I could ever describe in words. I had it in my head that in less than 2 months my baby girl would be in my arms for forever, and now I'm having to accept that it's not going to happen. That feels exactly like you think it feels, only probably worse... but I do know that God is already on the other side of this trial and He's holding our victory and our baby girl!

 I've been playing the song below over and over today... we keep PRAYING, we keep TRUSTING, we keep BELIEVING...