It's becoming REAL!!!!
Yesterday I received a FedEx envelope from Holt... it was the last few papers we need to include in our dossier! AHHHH!!!!(I "scream" on here a lot, huh?) Crazy!!!!! It is actually seeming real to me now, up to this point, it just didn't feel real, I was just doing paperwork and dreaming while reading everyone else's blogs, about how they were finished with all this craziness, but now we're almost there! I better not get ahead of myself though, we're waiting on 1 more letter from the state of WV, a couple of reference letters, then we'll be ready to get a few things notarized, then send it on to Charleston to be certified, and then on to the courier service in MD so they can take it to DC and have it certified and authenticated! Then.... OMG! Then.............. WE'LL BE ON A WAITING LIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!! Now, we're at the point when we could actually have pics and know who our sweet girl is within like 6 months (I know, that's optimistic, but just let me be).... and I keep forgetting, we could know who our sweet "girls" or "girl & boy" are, we said we would accept twins! We may be CrAzY, but bring it on! Whatever the Lord wants to give us, we're ready for it..... K, I'm gonna go rest now ;-)... Have a great Saturday, everyone!!!!